Support our work

The Finnish Church in London serves the people in its area by organising inviting activities and providing support to individuals and communities. Would you like to be part of this work and support our activities financially?

Donate here.

Other ways to support:

  • By participating in church events and enjoying a cup of coffee with a cinnamon bun.
  • Visiting a Finnish shop to pick up some rye bread and salty licorice.
  • Becoming a monthly donor with an amount that suits you, or making a one-time donation.
  • Joining as a supporting member of the church. Ask our rector Marjaana more about this.
  • Contributing money to the collections. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can donate any desired amount in a Gift Aid envelope.

Donations to our bank account

The Finnish Church in London Charitable Trust
Danske Bank London Branch
Account number 22028537
Sort code 30 12 81 (UK)

(IBAN: GB83 DABA 3012 8122 0285 37 and BIC DABAGB2L)

We are a registered charity (Finnish Church in London Charitable Trust, Charity N:o 283594). You can read our Charity Commission -report here.